You Always Remember Your First KitchenAid Mixer
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An Ode To My KitchenAid Mixer With Attachments
When you think back over your life there are memories you have of some “thing” that was with you through thick and thin. It was there through celebrated happy times, some sad times, and just "me" time. I know you’re thinking of it now.
I will be celebrating my KitchenAid Mixer 30th birthday this year, and I am sorry to tell you, you can’t have it. My KitchenAid Mixer has been a part of our family longer than my children have alive. Why is my KitchenAid Mixer such a prized possession? The reasons will touch your heart.
The first mixer I was given as a gift was not the KitchenAid Mixer. I don’t remember the brand but, it was a stand mixer, and along with it, I was given a food processor and a blender.
I know I crossed the line, but I took the 3 individual small appliances back to the store and exchanged them for what I now have, my KitchenAid Mixer with attachments.
I have never had a huge kitchen, and I never will. I will always have a home and appliances that function well and suits multiple purposes. It’s just who I have always been.
What did I get with that exchange? Well, we already know I got the KitchenAid Mixer.
I also picked up the KitchenAid Food Grinder Attachment, the KitchenAid Fruit and Vegetable Strainer, and the KitchenAid Sausage Stuffing Tubes.
Back then, I had to purchase them separately, but you can save some money and buy them as the KitchenAid Mixer Attachment Pack 1 set.
These are the tangible “things” I got with that exchange.
Granddaughter in high chair making gingerbread
I didn’t have a lot of money raising my kids, and I wanted to be home and raise them. What I had was my KitchenAid Mixer, a passion, and some talent. When my oldest son was born, I used my KitchenAid Mixer to make and sell Gingerbread Houses.
I would put him in his highchair and give him some gingerbread dough to play with while I mixed, cut, and baked the houses. When my youngest was born a year later, they both would play with gingerbread dough while I mixed, cut, and baked the houses.
As teenagers, they would bring their friends over each holiday season, and we would make the annual Gingerbread House together. Now my oldest has his own family, and his friends have theirs.
The tradition continues with their children. They love it, and this tradition happens because of the KitchenAid Mixer. It is a breeze to make the gingerbread dough with it, making the process a pleasure and joy for everyone involved.
This is the priceless gift I got with that exchange.
I also was able to save money by making my own baby food. I used the KitchenAid Fruit and Vegetable Strainer and our food to make baby food.
I will have to warn you, my boys are food snobs. They know good, fresh flavor when they taste it. They were raised on it.
As they grew, we had a garden that we raised together. We grew tomatoes, and as the harvest has it, we needed to do some canning.
The KitchenAid Fruit and Vegetable Strainer is a home canning best friend.
There is no need to peel the tomatoes. Just quarter them, and send them through the KitchenAid Fruit and Vegetable Strainer. It will take care of separating the seeds and skin from the pulp.
You will never can without it again.
One of my favorite Italian cookies, Cuccidati, or Italian Fig cookies, is not being made without some sort of grinder for the fig.
Feel free to spend up to $15 or more at an Italian bakery for a pound of them if you would rather buy them.
Or you can use the KitchenAid Mixer and the KitchenAid Food Grinder Attachment. Using those along with my Italian Fig cookie recipe, you could make your own for less than half the cost, and get 3 times as many.
These cookies are wonderful food gifts that get rave reviews from everyone who receives them.
My oldest son sold them as a fundraiser for a high school trip to Italy that paid for almost half the trip.
I love that my boys are older and starting their own families. Both have a KitchenAid Mixer.
My youngest son's partner received his KitchenAid Artisan Mini stand mixer as a gift.
I love that we have been able to form a bond and it started with his KitchenAid Mixer.
My oldest son is farming, and guess what he is using for grinding wheat and canning vegetables? He is using his KitchenAid Mixer with attachments.
These memories, these life lessons, and conversations that bring us together, that is the reason I love my KitchenAid Mixer so much and will not give it to you. It is a part of my family.
Hey, let us know how you share your KitchenAid Mixer with your family, and leave a comment!
We would love to hear from you.